Thursday, September 18, 2008

Stairway to Heaven

I learned this one with Hiram Bell.  Hope it doesn't disappoint....yes, I know I don't do the WHOLE song, where it really kicks up the pace.  Maybe I'll get to that part at some point in my currently busy life.  But in the meantime hope you enjoy what I got!  

Friday, September 5, 2008

Practice in This Weather?!

Here I am to the right to let you know that it's been really HOT here!  Our usual summer temps are highs of 75 degrees or so, sometimes a foggy 68.  So our homes don't tend to have air conditioning.  But the last days we've been hitting into the 90's.  House gets way too hot to be motivated to do much of anything but the bare essentials...laundry is piling up and don't even talk about 'ukulele practice!  Big smog build up too.  But as you can see, Rachel and I are putting on a good face on in spite of the continued heat in the forecast.  Good thing we have a pool to go to nearby!

Monday, September 1, 2008

She Steals a Base!!!

What a lucky girl my daughter is!  Rachel got selected by the Oakland A's organization to be the contestant in "Steal the Base":  she had to run from the left field wall to 3rd base, pick up the base and run back in 45 seconds.  It was amazing hearing her name announced twice over the PA system and the whole stadium went WILD cheering her on!  She got lots of great free stuff:  a  T-shirt, a signed baseball, AND a $25 gift card.  Maybe Rachel will take her parents to a game with this??!!  Actually, she already had as we got free tickets and parking (and it was a fireworks game, not to mention that the A's had a dramatic last minute win!)  Rachel basked in her fame everytime we walked around the stadium and folks recognized her.  You GO girl!