Monday, March 23, 2009

Taimane Gardner in SF

Saw Taimane fire up the 'ukulele on Thursday night at 111 Minna gallery in San Francisco. She opened for big wave surfer, Garrett McNamara (GMAC!), who did a slide show and Q&A session, all sponsored by Outside magazine (one of my favorite publications.) Free admission, food and beer were in abundance, but I would have paid dearly to go to this anyway.

Taimane played a 45 minute set and I was amazed to be three feet away. She regaled the audience with her trademark medleys, which aptly pair rock and roll and classical pieces together. She definitely has a unique and enthralling style. Great to be able to enjoy a whole set of her music after only getting to hear one song at last year's luau in February (see March 18, 2008 post).

Enjoy some of the video I shot and edited...

Friday, February 20, 2009

Ukulele Club of Santa Cruz

I finally made it down to the famous Santa Cruz Ukulele Club. As you can see in this photo, a great time was had by all! (BTW, I'm towards the left in the navy sweatshirt with a shark.) I went with my friend, Jeff, aka humbleuker (check out his blog on blogspot for great ukulele links, commentary, etc). Hiram Bell taught a workshop, then there was the house band (a constantly changing group of club members who just have fun playing various acoustic instruments and jamming). Next an hour of songs that the club played in a most raucous manner (note photo!) Lastly, a concert by Hiram. He really burns up that uke! I'm tired today after the late night with the driving and all, but it was well wroth it. snore.........OOPS!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Crazy G, Crazy Me!

This is the longest I've gone without putting up a post and recording a video!  I used to practice at least an hour a day, but I've had a lot going on to prevent me from playing...mainly that I moved and it has been crazy, busy!  Hence the name of the song I selected to record this time 'round.  Also, since I have hardly picked up the 'uke in a couple of months, thought I'd select something simple.  I guess it could be difficult if I tried to play it like Jake Shimabukuro!  OH, BTW, I had carpal tunnel surgery a couple of weeks ago, so I think I'm doing pretty well.  (Eeeekkk!  It's been so long that I had to relearn how to embed video from YouTube...guess I've been spending too long on that Facebook account of mine!)