Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Fame But , Alas, No Fortune!

In case ya missed it, I was interviewed in the November 25, 2007 San Francisco Chronicle Magazine cover story on ukes. Pretty cool, huh? The article's aptly entitled, "The Return of the Jumping Fleas! Or how we learned to stop worrying and love the ukulele"

The salient part of the story is where it discusses the Berkeley Ukulele Club and I'm quoted (ok, ok!) :

"Another club member, Carol, 48, is evidence of the ukulele's ability to inspire addictively good feelings. Though she's been playing only a year, Carol is already a card-carrying uke fanatic. Literally. Her business card announces her as 'Uke Gal.' Her license plate reads: 'Huulaa.' And her explanation of the ukulele's charm is simple: 'It's social. You play the piano alone, but when you play the ukulele, everyone starts singing and laughing.' "

OK, so I'm totally screwed as my age has been publicly divulged. Not to mention that all those out on the road who witness my poor driving habits will now know who I am!! (Now I "get" those celebs who sue the tabloids for delving into their private lives!!) Just hope that my piano teacher won't be mad at me...

If you wanna read more, here's the link:

OH! But there was fame AND fortune in this household earlier in the month...Rachel won the book fair art contest at her school. The theme was "Blizzard of Books." She got her winning entry published on a postcard that was sent out to the school (WOW!), as well as a gift certificate to use at the fair. You go, girl!!

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